
Dana Ruh
Senior Interior Designer

Dana Ruh
  • Syracuse University
  • American Society of Interior Designers
Licenses & Registrations
  • Allied ASID

What motivated you to become a designer (or current role?)?

My dad was in construction and he always had some new project going at our house which was constantly under renovation. I loved going with him to pick out new tile or light fixtures. I think I really got into it when I was about 8 or so – he renovated our kitchen and I remember helping him lay the tile down in a custom pattern. I loved working with him and seeing the final product. He taught me how to do each task step by step and I think that learning the process and seeing the preciseness of the work really caught my attention just as much as the fun part of picking out the materials.

What would you be doing if you were not working in this industry?

If I wasn’t an interior designer, I honestly probably wouldn’t have strayed too far away from the field. I was a textiles minor in college with a focus on surface pattern design. I would have loved to go into surface pattern design and textile design, either in the fashion industry or in the commercial textiles field. It would be interesting to be on the other end of the design process – shifting from selecting fabrics, wallcoverings or carpet to actually designing the products available on the market.

Do you have a talent (outside of being your talented self at Bergmeyer) that you are proud of?

This isn’t really a talent exactly but it’s a hobby I really enjoy and am always so proud of the results! I like to think I have a bit of a green thumb. I have a lot of house plants and love to propagate them to keep the number ever growing. I also spend a lot of time keeping up my yard during the spring and summer months. We have rhododendrons, hydrangeas, roses, etc. I really enjoy the process of planting and seeing something grow. I definitely want to have a vegetable garden once I have enough space to grow one! I also really appreciate sculpture and ceramics. I enjoy taking wheel throwing and hand building ceramics classes whenever possible but in the meantime at home I use polymer clay to satisfy my creative side. My current project is making these polymer clay flowers– not exactly sure what I plan to create out of them, but I just enjoy the activity and it helps take my mind to a different space.

At what age would you live forever?

16 - Old enough to drive, young enough to not pay the bills.

What’s your most used emoji?

The emoji that’s smiling and has its hands reached out. It’s the "I’m smothering you with affection" effect.

What’s the most important part of your evening routine?

Eating. Dinner, popcorn, ice cream - in that order.

What are you reading?

One More Thing by BJ Novak - second time reading it.

What's your go-to energy booster?

Ice cream.

What's your favorite season?

I like the end of summer and beginning of fall but not each season in its entirety.

If you were to get a new degree or certification, what would it be?

Ceramics - Not at all practical but enjoyable.